AAHP Community Day 2020 Postponed

African American Health Program(AAHP) for African Americans and people of African descent in Montgomery County

We hope that each of you are taking best care, practicing social distancing, and getting some quality time while adjusting to these unprecedented times.  Around the world, festivals, college commencements, sporting events, conferences and community celebrations are being cancelled or postponed due to concerns over the spread of COVID-19.  As you know, things are evolving fast in Montgomery County, around the state, and all over the U.S.   Due to our concerns about the health and safety of all, we have decided to postpone AAHP Community Day.  Most of the County facilities are closed and we are being advised to plan for the Fall.  We are working on dates in October or November.  Hopefully, things will be better. 

AAHP Community Day 2020 Postponed

The African American Health Program is funded and administered by the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services and implemented by McFarland & Associates, Inc.
1401 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
(240) 777-1833
©Copyright 2021 African American Health Program
Site design by SIA Creative & Digital
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