African American Health Program


Advances in HIV/AIDS Prevention and Treatment

Every year on December 1st, AAHP joins individuals and organizations locally and around the world to observe World AIDS Day. This is a day for remembrance of those who have died from AIDS and an opportunity to support those currently living with HIV/AIDS. It’s also a celebration of the progress we’ve made in fighting the HIV/AIDS epidemic and a time to spread awareness about HIV/AIDS/STI prevention.

Thanks to incredible advances in HIV/AIDS treatment in recent years, HIV is now considered a manageable chronic illness. With the help of antiretroviral drugs, people living with HIV enjoy long, healthy lives and no longer need to live in fear of transmitting HIV to others. That’s because antiretroviral drugs can suppress the virus so much that it cannot be detected in blood, which is referred to as having an “undetectable viral load.” An HIV-positive person with an undetectable viral load cannot transmit HIV to their sexual partners.  This is a huge breakthrough worth celebrating on World AIDS Day.

The U=U campaign promotes the message that people with HIV who have an “(U)ndetectable viral load” are “(U)ntransmittable.” The U=U campaign encourages people to get tested for HIV and to get treatment immediately if they are diagnosed. This powerful message also helps to reduce stigma associated with HIV, promote responsible sexual behavior, and reduce transmission rates.

Learn more about Montgomery County’s HIV/AIDS/STI prevention and testing services here.
