African American Health Program


Black Youth Suicide on the Rise

Black/African American youth suicide rates have been on the rise over the past decade, according to a report by the Pew Charitable Trusts. The report found that suicide rates among Black/African American youth aged 10-19 increased by 60% between 2007 and 2018, compared to a 44% increase among all youth in the same age group.

Several complex factors contribute to this disturbing increase in youth suicide rates among Black/African Americans adolescents. These factors include socioeconomic disparities, limited access to mental health services, systemic racism, and the challenges of growing up in today’s digital age. Black/African American youth also deal with unique stressors that can make them more vulnerable to mental health challenges and suicidal thoughts.

It is crucial that we do all we can to provide support and resources to Black/African American youth to prevent further tragedies. Parents, teachers, and caregivers should recognize the warning signs of depression and suicidal ideation in young people and help them get professional mental health support. We can all work to promote mental health awareness and education and breaking the stigma surrounding mental health in the Black/African American community.
