African American Health Program

Winning Against Breast Cancer

Winning Against Breast Cancer

AAHP’s nurse case manager, Serena Holtz has spent her life fighting for the well-being of others, and her legacy continues to grow. On Saturday, September 18th, Ms. Holtz was honored as “Survivor of the Year” at the Susan G. Komen “More than Pink” Walk at Freedom Plaza in DC. Donning a crown and sash, she told her inspiring story of treatment and survival before a crowd of thousands. Ms. Holtz also hosted the Livin’ the Pink Life, Pink Gala event on Saturday, October 15th at Leisure World in Silver Spring. This year’s theme was “It Takes a Village” and honored the special supporters who have helped make life easier for those fighting breast cancer.

Ms. Holtz wrote, directed and starred in a mini-documentary showing the journey through breast cancer for her 5th annual Livin’ the Pink Life Breast Cancer Awareness Gala. Watch it here: