AAHP also disseminates information about diabetes and heart disease at events throughout Montgomery County such as walks, health fairs and presentations. See our Calendar for more information or call 240-777-1833.
“But we are also each other’s best resource. Preventing type 2 diabetes and managing diabetes involves the entire family. Cook a balanced meal. Share a brisk walk. Talk with your family about your health and your family’s diabetes risk. Schools, work sites and places of worship can also be part of the diabetes prevention and management solution. What we can do alone to fight diabetes and its consequences, we can do so much more effectively together.”
–National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health
"Because there is a history of diabetes in my family, I was not surprised when I was diagnosed with the disease. What surprised me was the amount of time, effort and knowledge needed to manage my condition. Thankfully, I found the perfect partner-AAHP. With their free health education classes and diet and exercise programs, I have found the support and programs I need to help monitor my condition-and live my life with confidence."
- A client