Who We Are

Who We Are

AAHP provides culturally-competent health education, screenings, and services that foster lifelong wellness and equitable healthcare access.

We are your partner in health.

Bring together community partners and resources in a collaborative and effective manner to support AAHP goals.

AAHP focuses on six major health areas: infant mortality, HIV/AIDS, diabetes, oral health, cardiovascular disease, and cancer. Services provided include outreach, health education, support groups, and nurse case management. The program is staffed by a wide range of healthcare professionals, including physicians, registered nurses, health educators, and community outreach personnel.

Our Vision

African Americans and people of African descent in Montgomery County will be as healthy and safe as the rest of the population.

Our Mission

To eliminate health disparities and improve the number and quality of years of life for African Americans and people of African descent in Montgomery County, MD.


  • Raise awareness in the Montgomery County community about key health disparities.
  • Integrate African American health concerns into existing services and programs.
  • Monitor health status data for African Americans in Montgomery County.
  • Implement and evaluate strategies to achieve specific health objectives.
african american dad and son
african american woman thinking and smiling

Our impact

This data from AAHP’s FY24 Annual Report showcases impressive outcomes that reflect our dedication to delivering culturally tailored care, supporting healthy families, and building strong community connections. View all Annual Reports here to explore the full impact of our work.


babies were born in FY24 thanks to the dedicated, evidence-based care provided by AAHP’s SMILE nurses.

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of SMILE moms breastfed for at least three months, surpassing the CDC’s national average of 84.1% for African American mothers.

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subscribers receive AAHP’s Health Notes each month to stay on health news, resources, and events in our community. Click here to subscribe.


organizations are engaged in active partnerships with AAHP, including local and national organizations.

Contact Us

African American Health Program Offices
1401 Rockville Pike
Rockville, MD 20852
(240) 777-1833


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