AAHP Annual Reports
AAHP Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Report
The African American Health Program (AAHP) FY23 Annual Report detailed AAHP’s efforts to E.R.A.S.E. health disparities with (E)ducation, (R)esources, (A)ccess, (S)upport and (E)ngagment. FY23 highlights significant achievements, including increased community engagement, successful health campaigns, and enhanced access to health services. The AAHP’s strategic use of digital outreach and robust community partnerships played a crucial role in these accomplishments.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2022 Annual Report
AAHP’s FY22 Annual Report “Realizing the Vision for Good Health” documents AAHP’s efforts to create a better, healthier future for Black/African American County residents. It highlights the staff’s tenacity during the COVID pandemic, the remarkable progress made by AAHP’s clients as they achieve their health goals, and the essential contributions of the AAHP’s community partners. AAHP’s staff and partners continue to work together in order to expand the scope of its vision for a better tomorrow for everyone.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2021 Annual Report
AAHP’s FY21 Annual Report “And Still We Rise” focuses on AAHP’s resilience and innovation in delivering health promotion and wellness services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The report documents the initiation of several new programs, including the Diabetes Prevention Program, the Remote Patient Monitoring Program, and the Weight Management program, as well as AAHP’s success in strengthening existing programs and services. AAHP’s partnerships with community organizations are also highlighted.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2020 Annual Report
AAHP’s FY20 Annual Report documented AAHP’s health promotion efforts helping Montgomery County residents of African descent enjoy the same quality of health as the rest of the population throughout the program year. As the nation grappled with the COVID-19 virus and Montgomery County implemented a Stay at Home order to control its spread, AAHP continued to deliver high quality services by pivoting services and programs from in-person to onlinue, strengthening its community partnerships, and holding fast to its mission to end health disparities.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2019 Annual Report
AAHP’s FY19 Annual Report “Making Good Health Contagious” outlines the strategic initiatives that guided AAHP’s health promotion efforts throughout the program year. By using AAHP’s 7-point framework, which includes collaboration, multidisciplinary teaming, stakeholder inclusion, technology, leadership development, community education, and policy, AAHP engaged more Black Montgomery County residents and help them improve their health.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2018 Annual Report
In fiscal year 2018, AAHP continued to improve health outcomes for Blacks in Montgomery County through the delivery of health education, awareness, health screenings and self-management educational classes conducted throughout the County. AAHP staff and volunteers skillfully engaged key stakeholders and broadened AAHP’s reach into target areas by conducting these services in more neighborhoods and communities where Black people live, work, worship, or play within Montgomery County.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2017 Annual Report
AAHP’s fiscal year 2017 was marked by successful expansion and increased efficiency and effectiveness of AAHP programs and services. In the ongoing effort to eliminate health disparities in Montgomery County, AAHP merged technology and humanity, using data to design, plan and implement core services and achieve measurable results. New outreach strategies focused on “meeting people where they are” and engaging the public at places of worship, schools, and through family events. While AAHP achieved success across the six focus areas, we understand that there are many more challenges to overcome.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2016 Annual Report
In fiscal year 2016, the African American Health Program (AAHP) continued to fulfill its mission to improve health access and awareness to African Americans in Montgomery County, with the strategic objective of eliminating health disparities. Program efforts involved raising awareness about health and health disparities; incorporating relevant health concerns into exisiting programs and services; monitoring health status data; and developing, implementing and evaluating strategies to address health issues.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2015 Annual Report
The African American Health Program (AAHP) continues on its mission to eliminate health disparities among African American and persons of African descent in Montgomery County, MD. Guided by that commitment, in Fiscal Year 2015, AAHP produced and managed numerous health-related events and activities that engaged the community towards living healthier lives. We focused on identifying, developing and implementing the most effective prevention strategies and determined that our efforts successfully addressed all levels of the prevention spectrum–from providing health education to helping individuals manage their health conditions.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2014 Annual Report
The African American Health Program (AAHP), now in its 15th year, continues to evolve with each new year. In fiscal year 2014, the program employed more pragmatic approaches and strategies to address health disparities among African Americans and people of African descent in Montgomery County. In doing so, we experienced a lot of “firsts” this year. In addition to program-level improvements such as our redesigned website, monthly e-newsletter, and social media sites, AAHP’s units boasted a number of new activities.
AAHP Fiscal Year 2013 Annual Report
During fiscal year 2013, AAHP continued to address health disparities in Montgomery County through outreach, education, referrals, and events. Looking back at this year, we are reminded of the importance of prevention. Improving quality of life for African Americans and people of African descent hinges upon the education of individuals, communities, and organizations. AAHP aims to empower and partner with others to prevent not only health disparities but also specific health conditions.