African American Health Program


Preterm Labor for Prenatal Moms

Preterm Labor for Prenatal Moms


Expecting parents and their support systems improve the likelihood for successful pregnancy and childbirth by educating themselves on the many factors at play during pregnancy. AAHP’s SMILE Program will conduct a free online Preterm Labor class on Friday, May 1 to provide this critical education.

AAHP’s Preterm Labor classes will discuss the risk factors and warning signs of preterm labor as well as prevention methods and how to handle emergency situations.

According to the CDC, African American women are 60% more likely to experience pre-term labor compared to White women. The SMILE Program and its dedicated team of nurses are committed to helping pregnant Black women and their babies stay healthy to fulfill AAHP’s dire mission to end health disparities. 

The class will be held on Friday, May1, at 1 pm on the Teams App. Please email before 12 pm on May 1 to register.